Toes in the Water, Ass in the Sand
If you are going to spend anytime in the Dominican Republic, then you, like me, probably did what the Zac Brown song, TOES, suggests: “I’ve got my toes in the water, ass in the sand, not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand. Life is good today, life is good today”
And that does make up a considerable amount of time whenever I visit the largest island in the Caribbean, the land that Christopher Columbus spotted on December 5, 1492 when he discovered the New World. The beautiful white sand beaches, clear blue skies, swaying palm trees. But the people, their smiles, their general happiness and welcoming nature, and the music, the colors are also part of the DR. Another big part of the DR is their love of baseball.
These coaches work hard with very little equipment, but we helped solve that
Rockies’ coaches, Florentino and Eugene, were a HUGE help.
Over 150 kids getting baseball gear
But as much as tourism has brought to the island, and contributed to its prosperity, there are also pockets of poverty, areas where villages have no running water, electricity, indoor toilets. And even in those villages, like all over the country, they want to play, to participate in the game. They just don’t have the equipment, or the money to buy it. In spite of that, big and small cities and towns, and even poor villages, are turning out many talented players who have gone on to supply the second highest, behind the US, number of players in our Major Leagues.
Plenty of activities are available in the DR.
Just some of the kids with their new baseballs
Kids all lined up to say “Gracias”
So for years I have been asking my radio listeners to donate new or used baseball equipment to me. They have responded tremendously. I would then pack it and transport it to the island. Again this year, the Colorado Rockies’ organization offered to take me, and a few people traveling with me, to one of those villages where we equipped over 150 kids and their teams with bats, balls, gloves, catcher’s gear, batting gloves, helmets, and more. They were thrilled.
“I’ve got my toes in the water, ass in the sand……..”
Every day in the DR ends with a beautiful sunset and a cold beer.
It wouldn’t be possible without the help of so many. Thanks to all who have contributed. I’m still collecting, so contact me if you have any baseball gear you want to get rid of. I’ll make good use of it. You? I’d say let me do the heavy lifting getting the gear there. You just take a vacation to a beautiful island, and relax, enjoy yourself. It’s a fabulous place.