For a better vacation, for as long as I can remember, as long as I have been traveling, I have taken less clothes and more money. Worked for me on short, overnight vacations, or long extended vacations, and has worked for me as I have visited all 50 states, 75 countries, all seven continents.
Listeners often ask me how I pack for a trip. So often that I recently did a lengthy segment in a show. Because I was approaching it from a male perspective, I asked my daughter, an equally good traveler and light packer, to cover it from the female side.
Bottom line: CARRY ON LUGGAGE ONLY! I guarantee the airline will not lose your luggage if you don’t check it. I have a CHAPS bag, pictured (measurements 18 X 12 X 8) fits into all overhead bins. My daughter uses a bag called AWAY.
To start, my daughter suggested, for both men and women, that you wear your bulky shoes and clothes on the plane. Airports, and airplanes, are generally cool. Easier to take stuff off when you reach your destination than to dig it out of your luggage.
Guys, how I pack. Shoes: wear the bulky pair, pack the loose, flexible pair in your carry on. Shorts, pants: wear one, pack one. One light colored pair, one dark. May need another pair of shorts, and a pair of long pants? Maybe get a pair of Columbia pants that look good, and have a zipper on each leg that allow conversion to shorts. Socks: two pair. Wear one, pack one. Underwear: I go commando, but for those who don’t, two pair. Shirts: three or four t-shirts, two casual golf type shirts, one light, one dark so you can mix and match with the shorts/pants.

Ladies, from my daughter. Wear the bulky, pack in a similar way to the guys. Two dresses, two shorts, under garments, one pair of pants, flexible, casual shoes, all in carry on.
For toiletries, take ONLY travel size, less than three ounces, that can be carried on. My daughter informed us that for the ladies, more concerned about their skin, usually, than men, all of the top of the line skin care products come in travel sizes. When staying in nice, decent, hotel properties, the toiletries they supply are adequate. But if you have your own travel size, you can use them. If you get to your destination and need more, go to the market or pharmacy, get a bigger size, and when you leave, give it to the maid.
For both men and women, one pair of workout shorts, one pair of swim trunks, probably two for ladies, maybe a floppy hat. Small stuff, easily stuffed into your bag.
IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: On a short trip, nobody at Disneyland knows you wore that shirt yesterday at Knott’s Berry Farm. On longer trips, it is OK to rinse out, or wash, your gear in your hotel bathroom sink.
Hope this helps. If you have thoughts, questions, feel free to contact me. Bien Viaje, Amigos!