Happy Kids in the Dominican Republic
In 1986, my then wife and I took a vacation to the Dominican Republic. It was immediately apparent that islanders were crazy about baseball. Sure, it’s a Latin country, and they are proud of their national soccer team. But baseball is king.
So when I returned with a group of listeners in 2004, my daughter and I took a couple of new baseballs. Realizing that the country, very beautiful, but with very poor inhabitants, probably didn’t have a lot of extra money for baseball equipment. One day we stopped at a baseball field and just wandered up to the teams and offered them these new balls. You would have thought we had given them the winning Power Ball numbers. Remember, there is a good chance that kids would be playing with sticks, bottle caps, socks wrapped in duct tape, and using cardboard boxes for gloves.

Joined by a team and one of the Rockies’ coaches
Fast forward to the next group trip. I asked listeners to help, with new or used baseball equipment, or money that would be used to buy bats, balls, and gloves. They responded enthusiastically, and on the next trip we outfitted and equipped dozens of kids and a number of teams. Since then, again with the help of listeners, I have sent, or carried, thousands and thousands of dollars worth of equipment.
On the most recent trip, I contacted the Colorado Rockies, who have a training facility in the DR, and they helped me find a very poor area that could use some help. Villa Mella! Down a dirt road, rough shod lean to houses with no running water or electricity, no plumbing. They don’t have a nice baseball field, they simply play in a field. One that they have carved out with machetes and rakes. But well over a hundred kids turned out with their coaches. They asked if we could start with a prayer. Certainly. And then the kids and coaches got enough equipment to completely accommodate four different programs. And then to top it off, every kid and every coach lined up and came through and shook our hands, many gave us a hug. Truly an experience that will not soon be forgotten.
Every kid and coach came through with a hand shake
And some even had a hug to share
At the Rockies’ complex in the DR. Thanks to the organization for the help
And I’m going back in January, 2019. Not one of my “official” group trips, but anybody is welcome to join me. A number of people have already expressed interest. I’ll be taking, once again, a lot of equipment, equipment that listeners are already donating, that I am gathering, and will transport and distribute.
Principles the Rockies want to instill in players who come through their complex
Finally, to those who have helped in the past, and continue to help, I cannot thank you enough. It is an incredible experience, and a feeling that cannot be easily explained. My only regret is that all of you who have helped me with this project cannot be there to see the joy, the smiles, that you bring. But please know that you are doing a good thing.